OBX Beach Access – The info you need for beach spots near you.
Which way to the beach?…
It depends on what you’re looking for! OBX Beach Access has the specific Outer Banks beach and sound information that anybody might need!
- Just looking for the closest public beach access?
- Need to know where there’s a beach with lifeguards on duty?
- Do you need a bath house with changing facilities?
- Need beach wheelchair access & a beach access with handicapped parking?
- Are you looking to launch your kayak into an Outer Banks sound side access?
- Where are dogs allowed on the beach? Find a dog-friendly patch of sand.
Search no further! From Corolla to Hatteras, we have photos of Outer Banks accesses and info on beach safety, tides, weather, water conditions and more! Find your perfect spot on the water, and enjoy the beaches of the Outer Banks!

About Us
At OBX Beach Access, our mission is to provide you with the most up-to-date information possible when it comes to Outer Banks beaches — from town and federal laws, access amenities, weather and tides, and more. Please keep in mind that we only gather this information and post on our website for your convenience and ease. OBX Beach Access does not play any role in determining local laws and policies, nor do we have a say in what amenities are provided at various accesses. Our goal is simply gather the information and post it on our site to share with you, our local visitors and vacationers. Thanks for visiting OBX Beach Access!